Membership, Fees & Lawn Booking

Interested in Joining?

We are keen to recruit new members and promise a warm welcome to people of all ages and abilities.

We offer four categories of membership: Full, Student, Junior and Social. Membership starts on 1st April. For those joining later in the year, fees are reduced pro rata by month. 

Annual Subscriptions 2025

Full Member
£100 pa

Entitled to play as often as they wish subject to availability.

All Full Members are entitled to hold a key to the container for a deposit of £5.

Student Member
£10 pa

Entitled to play as often as they wish subject to availability.

Student Members must be in full time education.

Junior Member
£10 pa

Entitled to play as often as they wish subject to availability.

Junior Members must be under the age of 19 years on 1st January of any year. 

There must be at least two Full or Social Members present if a Junior Member is aged under 16 years of age. 

Social Member
£10 pa

Entitled to attend all functions and events.

Social Members are not entitled to play except on  Club Days when they are able to participate in playing activities on up to a maximum of three occasions.

Croquet Association

Full Members can be registered as Standard Members of the Croquet England at no additional cost. This gives Members several benefits including entry to national competitions, courses and the Croquet Gazette.

Booking a Lawn

All play must be booked through the Club’s lawn booking system. Each member joining will be registered and given a log-in and temporary password. It is recommended that you change your password when you log in the first time.

The booking system is based on a calendar.  Except on Mondays when the local U3A group plays, there are three sessions available for booking on every day:

  • Mornings (10.30-13.30)
  • Afternoons (14.00-17.00)
  • Evenings (17.30 to dusk)

To book a session, select the day on which you wish to play. This opens the page for that day showing the slots available. Click on the next available slot for your chosen session and this takes you to the booking page.

Club Days

A Club Day will be held from 2pm on the last Saturday of each month for a gathering of Members to play croquet followed by afternoon tea.

This season, we will be running a Club Day doubles competition. New pairings will be drawn on each Club Day, and over the season the number of games won by each participant will be accumulated to determine the winner. 

Social Members are particularly welcome to join us on these days, and are invited to participate on up to three occasions.

Club Shirts

Arrangements are in place for the Club’s logo to be embroidered on Members’ shirts at County Cups. It is located in Unit 8, Clifton Street, Lincoln, LN5 8LQ near Pelham Bridge. The cost is about £6 per item including VAT.

Shirts can also be supplied by County Cups. Ring 01522 541628 or email for more information.


Visitors and guests are very welcome. Green fees are £4/session and visitors can play up to 4 sessions in a season. The names and contact details of visitors must be pre-booked and recorded in the visitors book. Flat soled shoes must be worn on the lawns.

Anyone who subsequently wishes to join will have any green fees paid in the season deducted from their subscription.

Group Hire

The lawns are available for hire to individuals, groups or companies. All equipment is provided including junior mallets for children. It is possible to play up to 24 people on the lawns although numbers on the lawns at any one time may be limited by the number of mallets available. Instruction is given on how to play the game. Flat soled shoes must be worn on the lawns.

Please contact the Club for more details.